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What is Queens Royal Jelly?

Royal Jelly

It is a “thick milky” substance that worker bees produce to feed the larva of workers bees for the first 3 days. Worker bees are fed a mixture of pollen and honey after the 3 days of Royal Jelly. However, the larva which the workers have selected to develop into Queens are continued to be fed Royal Jelly by worker bees for 10 days and the abundance of this is what makes the larva become a Queen. Queen bees are made from the same kind of egg that makes a worker but the egg fed more Queens Royal Jelly produces a Queen. It is the Queens Royal Jelly that makes a Queen a Queen. Continue reading What is Queens Royal Jelly?

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Propolis Kills Breast Cancer Cells In Study

Breast Cancer study was recently published in the American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology demonstrating propolis’ effect on breast cancer cells.

This study was performed in a human breast carcinoma cell called MCF-7. The results demonstrated that an extract of propolis can indeed induce cell death in breast cancer cells. In just 24 hours the propolis extract was able to kill 13% of the cancer cells.

In another study published in the journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (Volume 2016), the Propolis compound Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) was found to augment the effects of the widely used drug Tamoxifen.

Although Tamoxifen is one of the most widely used drug

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Bee Propolis Benefits Health


Bee Propolis  Boosts Your Immune System

Bee Propolis benefits. Scientists recently looked at the immune stimulating effects of bee propolis. The researchers gave different doses of propolis to hens and then measured the activity in their immune systems.

What they found was that the addition of propolis at 3 g/kg in the diet resulted in significant increases in antibody levels – it boosted immune activity.

They also found that propolis supplementation significantly increased red blood cells compared with the other treatments. Continue reading Bee Propolis Benefits Health

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The Benefits of Raw Honey

The world of science is actively researching the benefits of raw honey and as a result, can now prove and explain the benefits honey holds. Stories of raw honey that were once considered ‘folklore’ are now being scientifically validated. There is now no doubt – raw honey heals!

1. Can Honey Help You to Live Longer?

Do you regularly consume honey?  If you do, you just might live longer according to a study in Current Aging Science.  This was a small study so the results always have to be taken in context, but the study suggested that those who regularly consume honey live longer than those who don’t. Continue reading The Benefits of Raw Honey

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Royal Jelly Boosts Antioxident Levels

Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly has Antioxidants which are all the rage today and for good reason. When your cells oxidize, YOU oxidize and that leads to greater instances of cancer, heart disease and other degenerative conditions.

We’ve all seen a peeled apple turn brown within minutes – well, that is literally what happens to your cells over your lifetime. But scientists have discovered certain foods have massive amounts of antioxidants that slow and even stop this process.

It just so happens to be one of these foods. As reported in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry in 2008, Royal Jelly contains very high amounts of several antioxidants. Continue reading Royal Jelly Boosts Antioxident Levels

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Honey Bees are not native to America

Introduction of the European Honey Bee

Honey Bees are not native to North America

You may have heard that if it were not for honey bees, flowers wouldn´t bloom, trees wouldn´t bear fruit and many other plants would disappear…… not necessarily; the honeybee wasn´t introduced to North America until the 17th Century with the arrival of Spanish and European settlers. These early settlers were able to grow their familiar crops for many years before the honey bee finally made its way to this continent. Continue reading Honey Bees are not native to America

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Is Propolis a Cure for the Common Cold?

Propolis and Common Cold

Is Propolis a Cure for the Common Cold?
Scientists set out to answer this question in 40 children.   What they found was dramatic and totally unexpected.

It seems to come around every year: that rash of sneezing, coughing, aching friends and family members. Some years, no matter how careful you are about washing your hands and avoiding the sick, you still wind up catching a cold yourself. But if it happens to you, you don’t have to suffer. A growing body of evidence indicates that bee products like propolis can significantly reduce the duration of a cold and relieve symptoms. There’s still no cure for the common cold; but, the more research we do, the more we learn how propolis can help.

Continue reading Is Propolis a Cure for the Common Cold?

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Blood sugar control and insulin resistance

blood sugar control and insulin resistance

Scientists set out to investigate what effect, if any, propolis capsules had on blood sugar control and insulin resistance in rats with Type II diabetes.

They used what is called the ‘euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp experiment’ to measure the effects of propolis (this is considered the gold standard for this type of experiment and is considered very reliable). In this procedure, insulin is infused into the blood at a constant rate which results in a drop in blood sugar. To maintain blood sugar at a constant level, sugar is then infused into the blood. The amount of sugar infused to maintain homeostasis is indicative of insulin sensitivity.

Upon performing this, the scientists found that giving the propolis capsules to the animals balanced their blood sugar in a very significant way. It also improved a key measure of insulin sensitivity called the Insulin Act Index.

They went on to conclude that encapsulated propolis can in fact control blood glucose and improve insulin sensitivity. Continue reading Blood sugar control and insulin resistance

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Propolis and Depression

Depression AND propolis

Depression is a massive health burden with over 350 million people suffering from it globally.  As a result, drugs like Prozac are massive sellers.  For those who want to avoid these drugs, effective natural options have been limited.  However, ground breaking research on propolis & honey may be changing that.

In the western world today the most commonly treated illness is depression. In the US alone the number of people diagnosed with depression increases by 20% every year – and, even then, it is estimated that the majority of people with the illness, around 80%, do not seek treatment. Continue reading Propolis and Depression

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A medicine and natural remedy for thousands of years

Honey is a heart medicine

10 Health Benefits of Honey

This magical concoction created by flower nectar and the digestive tract of a bee has been used as a medicine and natural remedy for thousands of years. Scientific studies confirm this ancient healer wisdom. Besides the importance of bees as a pollinator of food crops, their honey is an important natural source of sweetness and is also good for treating or preventing certain conditions. Here are ten health benefits of honey… Continue reading A medicine and natural remedy for thousands of years