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Climate change is killing bumblebees

Climate change is killing bumblebees: Study A new study has drawn a direct link between climate change and the global decline in bumblebee populations.

Chemicals are routinely applied around residential landscapes to kill insect pests and troublesome weeds, but many are indiscriminate and devastate pollinators in the process.

Over the past 30-plus years, pollinator populations have crashed worldwide due to a variety of reasons, including pesticide and herbicide exposure, invasive pests and diseases, loss of habitat, loss of species and genetic diversity, and a changing climate, scientists say. Continue reading Climate change is killing bumblebees

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Bumblebees Face Climate Crisis Extinction


Rampant pesticide use and habitat loss has already crippled bumblebee populations. New research now shows that warming temperatures around the world will further push bumblebees to the brink of extinction, as The New York Times reported.

The loss of bumblebees spells trouble for plant biodiversity since they are some of the most important pollinators in the world. Bumblebees pollinate and fertilize a wide array of plants and crops, including tomatoes, blueberries and squash. However, if you are in North America, you are nearly 50 percent less likely to see a bumblebee in any given area than you were prior to 1974, according to the new research, as National Geographic reported.

The new research, published in the journal Science, employed a massive dataset and a complex modeling system to look at bee populations and to find the reason for their decline. The researchers found that bee populations have experienced the largest decline in places that have warmed at a faster rate than the rest of the planet.

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Ginger Improves Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis, Enhances Quality of Life

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GreenMedInfo Research Group

Bowel and digestive problems like ulcerative colitis can be among the most discomforting and disruptive affronts to a person’s lifestyle and overall well-being. What if adding a healthy dose of ginger to your diet could prevent indigestion, inflamed insides and even protect you from colon and rectal cancers? The evidence says, it can

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory bowel condition affecting more than 750,000 people in North America.[i] The disorder, a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), causes open sores or ulcers to develop in the lining of the large intestine. Unlike Crohn’s, another form of IBD that can affect the entire digestive tract, colitis affects only the inner surface of the large intestine.[ii]

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Save bumble bees, plant these flowers

(CNN)Researchers have figured out which plant species bumble bees prefer to include in their diets, providing advice to those wishing to help with bee conservation efforts.

During the summer months of 2015 to 2016, authors captured bumble bees on more than 100 plant species across more than 400 plots in the Plumas National Forest in California — a mountainous, meadowy area with wildlife habitats near running water, where bumble bees are abundant.
mountain pennyroyal
The findings, published Tuesday in the journal Environmental Entomology, revealed that the most popular plant species among the bees were Oregon checker-mallow and mountain pennyroyal flowers.

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Cough and Cold Why Use Honey

cough and cold

The outstanding health benefits of raw honey for Cough and Cold continue to be reinforced by science. Honey for sinuses can be checked off the long list of body parts this wonder food heals!

The following article outlines a recent study conducted by scientists at Ottawa University and show the very strong anti-bacterial effects of raw honey and its effect on the bacteria that causes sinus infections. 

Ottawa (AFP) – Honey, used in tea or hot water for generations to soothe sore throats, could soon be substituted for antibiotics in fighting stubborn ear, nose and throat infections according to a new study. Continue reading Cough and Cold Why Use Honey

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Easy Honey Pot Cider

YIELD: Makes 1 serving


1 1/4 cup-apple cider

1 T-honey

1 pinch-cinnamon

1 3/4 oz.-Apple Jack brandy (optional)

1 stick-cinnamon

2-apple slices


Combine the apple cider, honey and cinnamon in a small saucepan and stir over medium heat for about 5 minutes or until heated through. Stir in the Apple Jack brandy and pour the cider into a mug.

With the tip of a small knife, pierce small holes in the apples and string them onto a cinnamon stick. Place the garnish across or in the cider.

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Eat Honey Every Day

If you eat honey every day, you’ll soon realize its true benefits, which humans have been reaping from the hard work of bees for millennia. Its delicious nectar is found on every continent except Antartica.

According to a 2017 study, “honey is used not only as a nutritional product but also in health described in traditional medicine and as an alternative treatment for clinical conditions ranging from wound healing to cancer treatment.” The study goes on to elaborate that “evidence from Stone Age paintings shows treatment of disease with bee product such as honey originated from 8000 years ago.”

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New Location: Friday – Las Vegas South Premium Outlet

New Location


New Location

Las Vegas South Premium Outlet


Farmer’s Market locations in Las Vegas

Don at the Farmers Market
Don at the Farmers Market

Friday:               Las Vegas South Premium Outlet Starting Aug 30th, 7400 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89123,  9am to 4pm Visit our new location.

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