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Lemonade Honey Punch

Nothing says summer quite like a tall glass of cold lemonade. The addition of apple juice and a touch of honey, coupled with tart lemons gives our Lemonade Honey Punch a unique flavor that is sure to be your go-to refreshment all summer long!

YIELD: Makes 10 cups


For Ginger Honey Syrup:

1 cup – honey

5 – thin slices of ginger, peeled

1/2 cup –  water

For Lemonade:

1 cup – freshly squeezed lemon juice

24 oz. – apple juice

5 cups – water

lemon slices, for serving


Simmer the Ginger Honey Syrup ingredients in a heavy saucepan for about 30 minutes, set aside to cool. Remove the ginger slices and discard.

In a large pitcher combine the lemon juice, apple juice and water. Stir in the cooled Ginger Honey Syrup.

Fill each glass with ice and the lemonade, garnish with a lemon slice.


You can substitute club soda for the water if you prefer.