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There’s little doubt that most people have heard about the health benefits of honey – immune and DNA protection are just two of them – but fewer people are probably familiar with propolis.
Thousands of years ago, ancient civilizations used propolis for its medicinal properties. Greeks used it to treat abscesses. Assyrians put it on wounds and tumors to fight infection and help the healing process.
NIH Clinical Trials.Gov
Currently no treatment has been proved to be efficient in the treatment of infected patients by COVID-19. Natural honey has been demonstrated as potent antimicrobial in many research investigations and has been considered a good alternative for antiviral drugs for the treatment of some viral infections. The investigators aim to study the efficacy of natural honey in the treatment of COVID-19 patients
Continue reading Efficacy of Natural Honey Treatment in Patients With Novel Coronavirus
Below, we will share a powerful antiviral drink with you that combines the power of three very healthy ingredients to give your immune system the necessary nutrients.
Your body is exposed to a large number of factors and situations every day that can cause infections from viruses, bacteria, or fungus. Luckily, your immune system is in charge of taking on all of those micro-organisms that can cause health problems.
However, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, sudden changes in climate, or a lack of physical exercise, among other factors, can cause this system to weaken. Even more, it can make you more susceptible to suffering from different diseases caused by all of these micro-organisms.
Continue reading Powerful Antiviral Drink with Only 3 Ingredients